Html এর কিছু কোডের ব্যবহার


পর্ব ২৩

Html এর কিছু কোডের ব্যবহার করলাম

<titel> learn something new everyday</titel>


<html> <head> <titel> learn something new everyday</titel> </head> <body Bgcolor="yellow">
<h1> Learn something new here 1</h1>
<h2> learn something new here 2</h2>
<h3> learn something new here 3</h3>
<h4> learn something new here 4</h4>
<h5> learn something new here 5</h5>
<h6> learn something new here 6</h6>
<li> new unloader list</li>
<li> new unloader list</li>
<li> new unloader list</li>
<li> new unloader list</li>
<li> new oneloader list</li>
<li> new oneloader list</li>
<li> new oneloader list</li>
<li> new oneloader list</li>
<p> he is sumon.he lives in a town.he is a student of national University Department of political science.Political Science is also his favourite subject<p/>
<a herf="http//"> This is link</a>
<b> now i uese some html code</b>
<strong> now i use some html code</strong>
<i> now i use some html code</i>
<u> now i use some html code</u>
<big> now i use some html code</big>
<small> now i use some html code</small>
<li> Now i use some html code</li>
<tt> now i use some html code</tt>
<sup> now i use some html code</sup>
<sub> now i use some html code</sub>
<abbs> now i use some html code</abbs>
<table> now i use some html code</table>
<code> now i use some html code</code>

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