Govt hospital or private clinic, wherever you take patients, try to follow the suggestions below, what results you get!

Govt hospital or private clinic, wherever you take patients, try to follow the suggestions below, what results you get!

1 The stranger in the government hospital who will introduce the doctor as your close one or run here and there for you, understands that he is a broker. Mark it at the beginning. Avoid it. Money, respect, and patients will survive in that.
2. After admission from the emergency department, practice going to your ward carrying the paper in your own hands. Or the carrier can lay you down at a big cost.
3. Emergency EMO or Ward Duty Doctors ( Intern or Unit CA, Register, IMO) are highly educated and qualified enough to treat your patient.
Go their own power, educational qualification,
Don't try to prove smartness. The more gentlemanly you become, they will treat you like a gentleman.
4. Treatment of all serious patients in the hospital starts with EMO/ Intern/CA/IMO/register. They know how to give life-saving treatment to patients in a quick time. When will big sir see it, why not show super smartness as the professor/consultant/big doctor is not coming yet? This shows your disbelief towards the medical physician. If it becomes embarrassing to give you the necessary emergency treatment in that case, it is your loss.
5 . The hospital consultant/professor round is usually closed on Fridays. EMO/ IMO/ HMO/ Interns on holiday. Do not embarrass anyone or create problems for other patients because there is no doctor, do not see them. Doctors are human too. Remember, all other departments of government get 2 days to leave a week, and doctors in hospitals get 1 day's leave.
6. Doctors won't provide medicines supplied by the hospital. To nurse or in charge of related medication
Speak in a polite language.
7. Remove all your relatives from the patient's side. They will not come for any welfare of the patient. Treatment delayed for them, it can even kill patients. The fewer people stay beside the patient, the more chance of the patient getting well sooner.
8. Don't make doctors or nurses restless by requesting/requesting beds in a government hospital. No one sleeps in the hospital unnecessarily occupying the bed. Everybody is a sick patient. Even if the mochi dome is lying there, you can't be lifted by taking it down. If there is no bed, a doctor's mother will have to stay on the floor even if she is sick. All patients are equal. And, wherever the patient's bed or floor is, everyone is treated equally.
9. Do not try to get extra attention with any kind of political identity. If a patient or their relative is causing too much annoyance to the doctors, nurses, or staff of the hospital, to avoid excessive hassle then perhaps they can all avoid that patient. This is very normal. The loss is yours in this.
10. What will the patient eat... Don't disturb me by saying again and again. If the saline is running, think you don't have to feed it separately. Food is stopped for the good of the patient. Your patient won't die if you don't eat for a while.
11. Canula is open, why saline is off when to take medicine, how to take it, check the medicine... Ask these questions to the nurse in polite language. Usually, these are their responsibilities. They are educated and experienced. Respect them. These are not the doctor's work.
12. Address the doctor is a nice and polite language. Similarly, call female and male nurses sisters or brothers. Address Aya or employees in beautiful language. It won't make you down but make you respectable. Doctors, nurses, and staff will also help and respect you.
13. Government hospitals but made with your tax money! Try to keep this hospital clean and beautiful like your home built with money. Wherever you spit or dirt, everyone else will spit more or dirt in the place you throw. You started the crime!
14. Belief in the doctors in the hospital. You will benefit. Because doctors don't benefit if you care less.
15. Don't abuse the doctor if the patient dies Complain or complain to the creator of your own religion.

The doctor is a human being. He tried but
God didn't want your patient's recovery. ❤️❤️

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