Here are 10 Actionable tips to rank your gig on Fiverr 2022

Here are 10 Actionable tips to rank your gig on Fiverr 2022
  1. First, you must Use Proper Tags in Gig. Actually, you have to find Some good Keywords which people use to search for different services related to your Gig.
  2. You should attach High-Quality pictures on Gig. I have seen a lot of people attach low-resolution pictures on their Gig which is not a Good idea.
  3. Attach proper Video on your Gig. The best thing will be using your own video for your gig, it has a higher chance of being selected as a Top Gig.
  4. Remember After choosing perfect Tags, when you are about to create a video for your Gig, write all tags keywords and include these keywords in your Videos.
  5. Your voice should be clear in your Gig. Use a Good mic to reduce noise in the voice.
  6. Try to use 3 packages always in your Gig.
  7. Use FAQ properly so if anyone comes to view the Gig, all the questions in his mind should be clear just by Reading FAQs.
  8. As you know there is a limit of words in the description, so you can explain your gigs by uploading a PDF file on your gig as well, so always attach a PDF file to explain clearly about your Gigs.
  9. Try to keep your response rate above 90% and also Deliver Orders on Time.
  10. Being friendly with your client and provide Top Quality service will lead you to get a Good Review which is one of the most important factors.

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