Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022


Fiverr SEO answer and question

Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022



You can find here Fiverr SEO question and answer 2022.

1. What do the acronyms PA, DA, and PR stand for?

a. Personal authority, domain authority, parked rename.

b. Personal authority, domain age, page rank.

c. Page authority, domain authority, page rank.

d. None of the above.

2. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images on a page?

a. Images cannot be crawled by search engines.

b. Important keywords relevant to the image should also be placed in the ALT text.

c. Images should always be kept close to the top of the webpage.

d. Image maps should be used which include the images

3. Which is the most important heading tag on a page?

a. It doesn't matter; they are all the same.

b. The <h1> tag.

c. The heights level heading tag used on the page.

d. The <ho> tag.

4. How do I use SEO Keywords Tag?

a. List every single keyword and its possible variance that a page could possibly rank for.

b. List any and all variants of keywords or queries that relate to your page.

c. List your competitors Keywords

d. Do not use the Keywords tag - google has confirmed that no benefits will be felt, but over-optimization may incur a penalization.

5. How do you recover from a manual link penalty?

a. Remove all links to your with a Domain Authority of 50 or lower, and wait.

b. Remove all links that do not appear to be editorially given, and then wait.

c. Clean up links from web directories, article directories, countries were you don't do business and where you have too much rich anchor text, and then wait.

d. Remove or disavow all links that do not appear to be editorially given, and file a reconsideration request.

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022 **

6. What is a Search Engine

a. A repository pf submitted links from businesses

b. A web-based software system that searches and locates relevant information based on the information or query it is presented with 

c. A away of the government tracking who your favorite spice girl is

d. Google

7. Which of the following are requirements in a robots.txt file?

a. *Disallow:[URL string not be crawled]

b. Allow: [URL string to be crawled]

c. Sitemap: [sitemap URL]

d. *User-agent: [user-agent name]

8. Which of the following are important of technical SEO?

a. CPC


C. Usability

d. User testing

9. How do you recover from Panda?

a. Fix thin and poor-quality content on the pages of your site.

b. Fix thin, poor-quality, and duplicate content on the pages of your site, and submit a reconsideration request.

c. Fix thin, poor-quality, and duplicate content on the pages of your site, and wait.

d. Fix thin, poor-quality content on the pages of your site, and submit a reconsideration request.

10. Which of the following are considered "blank hat" SEO techniques?

a. Link farming

b. Hidden text

c. Cloaking 

d. gateway/doorway pages

e. all of the above

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022**  

11. The following factor is considered to be a ranking factor in Google:

a. Ad spend

b. Web page speed

c. Company size

d. Quality score

12. Use rel=nofollow HTML tag for links that require login, or untrusted content (such as user-submitted content). TRUE or FALSE?



13. When implementing different filters or sort orders for products on your site, which of these should you leverage to minimize duplicate content/thin content risks?

a. Noindex

b. Robots.txt

c. Nofollow

d. Rel="canonical"

14. Should responsive design be favored over websites with separate versions for mobile and computers?

a. It does not make a difference

b. No. Separate versions are better

c. Google prefers websites with responsive design.

15. Which of the following options describes the correct meaning of MouseTrapping?

a. The technique of monitoring the movement of the mouse on the webpage

b. The technique of monitoring the area on which an advertisement was clicked

c. The web browser trick, which attempts to redirect visitors away from major websites through a spyware program

d. "The web browser trick, which attempts to keep a visitor captive at on a website"

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022**  

16. Why are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?

a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicker placement

b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title " Site map" on the home page of a website.

c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website

d. None of the above

17. True or false?

Google My Business is a free service for commercial businesses.

a. True

b. False

18. Which of the following statements are correct with regard to using javascript within the pages?

a. It uses up the valuable space within the webpage, which should be used for placing meaningful text for the search engines

b. Search engines cannot read Javascript

c. It is a good idea to shift the Javascript into a separate file

d. Most of the search engines are unable to read links within Javascript code

e. Both b&c

19. Images links don't pass on any link equity to outbound pages



20. What happens during Google's indexation process?

a. webpage data is saved in Google's database for easy retrieval and ranking.

b. Information is gathered from other search engines.

c. Documents that Google has received are sorted.

d. Meaningful results are generated based upon the user's search term.

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022**  

21. 10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety of web pages. There of the 10 people choose one particular link. That link then has a _____ click-through rate.

a. Less than 30%

b. 30 Percent

c. More than 30%

22. Which one is the example of keyword stuffing?

a. Lists of phone numbers without substantial added value

b. Blocks of text that list cities and states that a webpage is trying to rank for

c. Repeating the same words or phrases so often that it sounds unnatural

d. A B & c

e. None of the above

23. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing ranking. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?

a. The text of the paid links should state the word "paid text link" for Google to identify it as a paid link

b. Only Paid text links to non-profit websites should be accepted

c. Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

d. Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

24. Which of the following tactics can harm your search rankings?

a. Adding navigation links to your page's template

b. Using text that is the same color as your page's background

c. Linking to your site from other websites

d. None of the above

25. Which of the following is NOT a "best practice" for creating high-quality title tags?

a. Make sure the title is unique for every page

b. Include an exhaustive list of keywords

c. Limit the tag to 65 characters, including spaces

d. Write compelling copy that encourages users to "click" your listing

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022**  

26. Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not a website has strong domain authority?

a. The frequency with which the content of the website is updated.

b. The number of pages containing information relevant to the site's purpose.

c. The quality of in-bound natural links related to the site's or Keywords.

d. All of the above.

**Fiverr SEO Question and Answer 2022**  

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